Elena Esquibias was excited to share unique types of fruits and vegetables at the conference. (Signal photo/ Nicole Dunlap)
The Young Women’s Conference (YCW) is in full swing at Livingston Middle School. Everyone from the presenters, the organizers, the helpers, and especially the young women are excited to participate on this lovely Saturday.
To put an event on of this magnitude requires plenty of support. Elena Esquibias is the school cook at Selma Herndon School in Livingston. She started her journey to becoming a school cook by entering into the field as a dishwasher here at Livingston Middle School. As a cook, she enjoys exposing the students to different types of healthy foods.
“We want to share what we know and show something new with the girls,” she said.
The MJ Nursing Assistance Training Institute was also in attendance to share information about their nursing program. Office Manager, Jallussee Medina-Benson, was excited to attend the conference for the first time. “It is easy to reach the community and young ladies. I would be willing to do it again,” she said.
Even people from Stan State were in attendance. Stan State’s Nursing program and the Signal both attended to share information about their programs.
Alexis Maciel (2nd semester, Nursing) said, “It is important to be part of the community and reach out to people. We want to see if we can reach as many people as possible.”
Stan State student and softball coach, Angelina Rice (freshman, Biology) attended the conference and also was excited for the impact that this event is making.
“I’ve been to this event since I was a sixth grader. It’s made me more of a positive person,” she said.
The organizers of this event are happy about its turnout and are motivated to get the word out among the community.