Several companies and organizations in Stanislaus County are holding fundraisers for the less fortunate this holiday season. (Screenshots of each logo taken directly from company and organization websites by Christopher Correa)
During the holiday season, there are several organizations and groups who raise money and goods for the less fortunate. Each of these groups have different deadlines and cutoffs to collect donations. For those wanting to donate to a cause, here is a list of some local organizations and fundraiser dates and their last days to collect donations for their respective holiday campaigns:
McHenry Target Store Christmas Toy Drive Hosted by Center For Human Services. Event Date: December 7, 2019.
CenCal Trucks Toy Drive Held at StanCo Fairgrounds. Event Date: December 7, 2019.
Signal Candy Gram Food Drive Deadline: December 9, 2019.
Stanislaus County Toys For Tots Campaign Drop-off Deadline: December 14, 2019.
Salvation Army Red Kettle / Bell Ringing Campaign Donation Deadline: December 24, 2019 (Christmas Eve).
Turlock’s Westside Ministries Coats 4 Kids Event Dates: December 17 – December 20, 2019.
Burlington Coat Factory Coat Drive Donation Deadline: January 20, 2020.
Some of these organizations accept donations year-round, but their holiday campaigns are only for a limited time. For more information on the organizations, their fundraisers, or to learn about how you can give at another time, check out the links above!
Featured events and dates are subject to change.