Students attentively watching Presidential Candidate Julian Castro. (Signal Photo/Sandra Plascencia-Rodriguez)
As the Stan State Democrats hosted their second Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate Watch Party, conversations regarding politics filled the air and guests ate, eagerly waiting for the debate to start.
Denise Jasso (senior, Political Science) said that she was happy to be able to discuss and watch politics with others just as passionate as her.
“Being able to get together with friends and watch the debate and discuss politics is great. It really helps in this political climate,” said Jasso.
Jessica Garcia (junior, Political Science) said she is happy to see other students who care about politics.
“This event is promoted well and it really helps understand the context of politics and makes it seem as if other students care about these policies too,” said Garcia.
Most students attending the event had their eyes locked on the screen the entire time and occasionally looked over at their friends when a presidential candidate made a good or bad point.
“We had a great turnout and it is always inspiring to see our peers on campus get involved even in something as simple as watching a presidential debate,” said Olivia Hill (senior, History).
Hill is the treasurer for the Stan State Democrats and she thought this debate was very informative.
“The October debate, in my opinion, had the best discussions and got at the details of the big issues and where each candidate stands,” said Hill.
Kara Zachreus (senior, History) is the president of the Stan State Democrats and said how grateful she was that everyone came.
“Our club appreciates everyone who showed up, and we want students to know how important the debates are for our generation.”
Jasso thoroughly enjoyed the event, “It’s great that they set up this debate watch party. That way we can discuss with others our political opinions in a civilized manner. Politics directly affect us in our everyday life, but we only seem to care when it’s too late.”
If anyone is interested in joining the club or attending the next debate party you can follow them on their Instagram or Facebook pages, @stanstatedems.