The Amphitheater at Stanislaus State has been home to the annual event StanFest until 2019. (Signal Photo, Danielle Castillo and Alyssa Patterson)
An important announcement was made on September 9th, 2019 about the cancellation of StanFest.
StanFest is known for being one of the student body’s favorite events that offered entertainment from well known artists, an exciting way to bond with other students, and gave an opportunity for Stanislaus State clubs to make a profit.
ASI (Associated Students Inc.) are responsible for the decisions made and encourage students to look forward to Warrior Day that will take place Friday, May 8th, 2020.
Krystal Williams (junior, Criminal Justice) was unimpressed with the changes.
“For them to take away StanFest for basically a week full of Warrior Wednesday’s is disappointing. Not to mention the big grand finale of the week is an event where students have to pay. It just seems like ASI doesn’t really listen,” Williams said.
Warrior Week will end with a trip to the Giant’s game in San Francisco tomorrow.
There were only 45 tickets available for the entire university and were sold for $45 each.
Leonardo Mendoza (junior, Business) described his concerns.
“I honestly feel like this can go really good or horribly wrong for the school,” Mendoza said.
“Since I was a freshman here I felt that Stanislaus just does not understand their student body with the artist selection they have for their music events. Last spring when I saw Travis Porter was going to be performing [for Warrior Day] my initial reaction was ‘who?’” Mendoza expressed.
Jocelyn Castellanos, the Interim Programs Advisor, explained the details behind putting on the school’s events.
“In terms of the artist, we’re still getting that input from students. I don’t think students realize how much we hear them on social media, we literally take snapshots whenever students throw a name of an artist out there. We’re constantly having conversations about pricing so it all depends on what artist, what fits, and what students want.”
Ana Zamudio (senior, Sociology and Criminal Justice) expressed how she believes ASI has made a big mistake for the school.
“Students are stressed enough as it is, and the fact that they are taking away Stan Fest will only create a bigger cloud over the semester and the students. It’s the one event held by the university so that the students can enjoy themselves and there are activities in which they feel appreciated,” Zamudio expressed.
“We are being lied to and taken advantage of,” Zamudio added.
Many students are questioning why StanFest was emphasized on the “Say Yes On 10” proposal.
The proposal was to encourage students to vote for ten dollars to be taken through tuition to support ASI.
Leroy Coles (senior, Business) gave his opinion on the events that replaced the original concert.
“My main concern about this whole thing is how the “Say Yes On 10” was marketed. ASI-USU marketed the measure as a way to afford better artist for Stan Fest and Warrior Day. From what ASI-USU has outlined for warrior week seems like it won’t get a lot of interest…The whole Stan Week or whatever they are calling it just seems to be thrown together,” Coles said.
Shaelyn Pugliese (senior, Psychology) reminisced on her favorite school event.
“So I think Stan Week is a great idea but I have been going to Stan for three years and every year I have requested the day off just to see the concert and enjoy a night out with friends. It was always so fun under the sunset hanging out and meeting new people” Pugliese said.
Kevin Mosqueda (junior, Music Technology) worries that Warrior Day will not fulfill the students’ expectations.
“Now that the event has been taken away, I feel like students are hoping that the removal of the event will actually benefit Warrior Day and if the university does not deliver the right artist or experience for Warrior Day, the change will have been for no reason and it would all be a waste of time and money,” Mosqueda expressed.
“Now that we have only one event to look forward to, it breaks the morale that students may have had for Stan State and diminished their school pride,” Mosqueda added.
Castellanos expressed how artist pricing for StanFest and Warrior Day all really just depends on the artist’s success.
“Pricing depends on a lot of things. It depends if they are tour, it depends if they dropped an album, it depends on whether they project to drop new music that they know is going to be really successful.”
ASI has yet to inform students the set plans for the updated Warrior Day in regards to artists and activities. Ideas are still up in the air.
All warriors can do is wait patiently for the better day promised.