Makaila Lourenco poses in her fashionable thrift outfit from local store. (photo courtesy of Angel Chea, Instagram: @angeljchea)
Thrift shopping has become a rediscovered fad to society. Although, shopping for inexpensive, retail clothing is always an option for those trying to save money. College is expensive and thrift shopping is a way to keep warriors in style on a budget.
Tanaya Collins, a volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop in Patterson, expressed their love for thrift shopping, “I love thrift stores! So many of my favorite articles of clothing were from thrift stores. Also it’s such a great way to recreate great looks. Usually I look for tops in the boys section or bags.”
Collins also touched on some of the misconceptions about thrift shops, “Honestly I don’t see anything wrong about thrift shopping other than sometimes people don’t wash the clothes before giving them away. The right thing about thrift shops is that we are able to reuse items from the past and it would never go to waste because it would constantly be passed onto the next.”
Thrift shops can offer clothing for any age, size, and fashion taste.
Erin Salcedo, from Modesto, California, described how her style from the 90’s is easy to find thrifting, “All of my clothes when I was a kid got donated, same with everyone I knew. A majority of the clothes in thrift shops are from my era. It’s like a circle of style, it’s back in!”
Victoria Aguilar (sophomore, English and Political Science) shared what she has heard about thrift shopping, “…that it’s affordable, that there is a variety of stuff you can find. I think that there is a trend of liking stuff that seems retro and thrift shops have that retro feel because there is a lot of old stuff. I mean, it’s clothes. If you can get it at a cheaper price, then why not.”
There are some that do not see thrift shopping as sanitary or desirable.
Jasmin Centeno (senior, Sociology) explained why she has not always trusted thrift shops, “I got a shirt and long sleeve from a thrift shop before. I’ve heard bad things, because they do not wash the clothes or [sell] things that are broken. They have really great clothes and affordable, but I would caution them. Just let them know that they should wash their clothes afterwards.”
“If you’re struggling financially then yeah, but if you have money then I would say shop somewhere else” Jasmin added.
Working at a thrift store was described as really fun and an experience to see and work with vintage, new, old, and rare items.
Angela Huerta, said what makes the Community Hospice Hope Chest Thrift Store so special, “We have different sections, we have women’s, men’s, athletic wear, skirts dresses, pajamas and even a kids section. Especially because I work here, I thrift shop. There are cool things you would expect to see like antique stuff or old things you’d see as a kid you’d find again at a thrift store”
Natalie Gutierrez, another volunteer for the St Vincent de Paul thrift store, described how her thrift store provides to the community, “They give homeless people stuff like shampoo and conditioner, and they give them one free outfit.”
Thrift shops are full of history and one-of-a kind finds, it just takes a bit more time.
Not every good thing is bought at an extreme price.