Politicizing Beyonce course being offered next semester. (Graphic by Angela Gonzalez)
With finals slowly approaching, Stan State is joining the very few universities across the nation to have allocated funds to study and analyze Beyoncé’s music, career and much more.
The “Politicizing Beyoncé” course or PSCI 1997 will be an online intro level course made available for any student wanting to enroll this upcoming semester. As some of you may know, the course had started at Rutgers University and was created and taught by Kevin Allred. The course had become a viral phenomenon back in 2019, and led Allred to travel around the country sharing his lectures and study with other students of other universities.
Though the name and topic of the course might fool some into believing that it will be a fun and easy extracurricular, according to the Professor teaching the course it will be a serious and essay heavy course.
“There is so much I have planned, I know there will be at least 6 essays, 3 presentations, and of course a final essay exam to finish it off so this is not a course that students should take and expect an easy A,” states Dr. April Broma.
As a new professor to the Political Science department, Dr. Broma is looking forward to discussing the political themes and messages that can be found by analyzing Beyoncé’s music as well as it’s contribution to conversations like sexuality, feminism, and gender.
“For those (like me) who love analyzing pop culture, especially in relation to music, this will be a very fun and rewarding experience,” states Dr. Broma.
With this new addition to Stan State’s course list and the popularity of the course’s topic, Dr. Broma as well as the head of enrollment services anticipate an overwhelming number of students signing up for this course.
“We tried to keep this course on the down low, but I can imagine that after this article is published that students will be contacting us about it. Luckily it is an online course, so we are able to extend what the number of students we can accommodate to can be. We would not have been able to do this if this class were in person, that being said, I still do expect there being a waitlist even with 41 seats being available in each of the 4 classes being offered,” explains Dr. Broma
With such being anticipated, students who are interested should make sure to secure their spots in this course as soon as possible. Enrollment appointments are just around the corner, so remember to write down this course if interested.
*Disclaimer, this is intended to be a joke. Happy April Fool’s Day!