The ASI Board of Directors discussed the fall 2021 semester in their latest meeting (Signal photo/ Matthew Bonzi)
On March 9, the ASI Board of Directors met for their weekly session. Topics included the fall 2021 semester and how Stan State plans to navigate the challenges that have plagued our campus since COVID began.
Fall Planning
Vice President of Student Affairs, Christine Erickson, after thanking ASI President Cynella Aghasi and those who had continued to advocate for student involvement in fall planning, cleared up some concerns that campus clubs and student organizations were last on the radar for fall plans.
“I’m not sure where that came from because It’s not true,” Erickson stated. She explains that it is because “we are currently in the purple tier, it’s not permitted.” Erickson reminds everyone, “Those programs and activities are essential for student retention and success, they foster a sense of belonging and student leadership skills.” She described how student organizations helped her to graduate by maintaining the necessary grades needed to participate in those organizations.
“We are definitely talking about having offices and services open, especially, we are all excited that the new library is really going to open. A number of those areas are going to open in the library. We are talking about how and when student orgs and campus events would be permitted with approval. Right now no events are permitted, not just student events. Faculty are very upset they don’t get exceptions also, it’s not just those groups.”
“Hopefully, stay tuned for some good news” said Erickson, “there is also meeting coming up next week with President Junn that includes all of the student athletes and all of the coaches.”
Erickson concluded the subject by reminding the board that, “remember that all these programs and activities are governed in the COVID Context by the CDC, California Department of Public Health and Stan County Public Health. These guidelines continue to change. We are expecting additional guidance from the Governor’s Office, but it’s been a constant waiting game. Our goal is always to maintain the safety of our students and the campus community at large”.
The good news is that students and faculty might have an answer by April 30. According to ASI Governmental Relation Coordinator: Krishan Malhotra, the Chancellors office is requesting campuses to have their reopening plan due by April 30, so hopefully we will have a solid answer of what our next semester is going to look like.
Reports and Announcements
Director for College of Business Administration, Nicolette Padron, announced that “Graduates on Parade” was approved and the logistics are being settled. “’Graduates’ on Parade is an in-person parade where each graduate is going to have one carload”, stated Padron. “We are trying to do everything we can to give that commencement feel to students.”
Padron goes on to say that from what she’s heard, whether we are in purple tier or not, the class of 2020 will graduate on the third week of May, and the graduating class of 2021 will be commencing in the fourth week of May. Each class will graduate over a span of three days with two colleges graduating each day. Jennifer Humphrey, Director of Housing and Residential Life and Student Affairs, is really working to make it happen.
A student survey supported by Vice President of Finance Zoe Martinez and ASI President Cynella Aghasi will be going out this week to gain information of students’ comfort level and other resources or barriers they will have coming back in fall 2021.
ASI Vice President Karlos Marquez highly encourages everyone to join the UndocuAlly training event scheduled for this Friday March 12, 2021. The event is open to campus community and the public, “UndocuAlly teaches you to understand experiences with undocumented students… this is great especially for student leaders”, stated Marquez. UndocuAlly will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
President Cynella Aghasi was pleased to announce at yesterday’s meeting that ASI will now be able to report to the Academic Senate. Thanks to the efforts of ASI, student voices will now be better heard. ASI encourages all students to get out and vote in the upcoming elections.