Local businesses owners and experts are curious to see what 2021 will bring after a full year of dealing with fluctuating pandemic guidelines and restrictions. (Signal Photo/Michele Acosta)
Businesses are constantly having to evolve, but the hardships and uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has emphasized that.
Often, many business owners are able to get through the challenges they face and see a clear vision for the future of their business, but that may not be the case for many in 2021.
Brett Butler, owner of The Performance Lab in Modesto, began his journey in the fitness industry in 2012 and became the owner of The Performance Lab in 2015. Butler worked hard and dedicated himself to fitness, and when the opportunity presented itself, he evolved into an entrepreneur.
When facing challenges while running his business, Butler assesses the entire situation. As with all business owners this past year, when the pandemic hit, the future of his business became unclear to him.
“I think I was being emotional and didn’t know how to react when the pandemic first hit,” Butler explained. “Now, I think the future is less scary because the worst of the worst has already come… We were able to come out of that storm. Now moving forward, I am not really scared to try for the future or plan for it.”
Stan State Business Administration alumnus Jeff Fu sees opportunity and excitement in the business world. He believes that the future remains uncertain for many industries, but he thinks there’s lots of exciting times ahead of us.
“The ability to grow and learn made me want to pursue a career in business. You learn more about yourself every single day,” Fu said. “Everyday is different, and it is the challenge of not knowing the future, or the uncertainty. That makes it exciting and interesting to live everyday life as a business major.”
Businesses across the world have evolved during this pandemic. Things are being done that may never have been considered otherwise.
“The business world has a lot more to offer now due to the pandemic,” Fu said. “There are way more resources now compared to before and businesses can easily have access to them.”
Butler believes that business in 2021 will be good, but some change will last that could have an affect.
“However, business is going to change with the pandemic. I think the fitness industry in 2021 will see a boom, but I think there is going to be a shift to online training,” Butler explained.
Despite the obstacles the pandemic presented, some small businesses have been able to prosper through it.
“Many small businesses arise because of this pandemic, and their business strategy is something we have never seen before. It’s exhilarating to see where they will go,” Fu stated.
Angelique Baptista (junior, Liberal Studies) started a small business to pursue her passion for baking through the encouragement of her friends and family. She currently runs her business through Instagram, @sweetsbyangg.
So far, 2021 has been a good year for Baptista’s small business.
“I am eternally grateful for the positive support and reactions that have allowed me to prosper in difficult and uncertain times,” Baptista stated. “Luckily, I haven’t faced any challenges in 2021, only taken this year as another learning opportunity.”
All businesses have had to operate differently since the start of the pandemic, and some have had different experiences than others. One thing is certain, though, and it’s that many people are curious to see how the rest of 2021 will pan out from a business standpoint.