A compilation of pictures- notes, pencil,goals,food, weights, and a smiley face
It can be really hard to keep ourselves in check during this pandemic, but with more time on our hands, we can definitely work on ourselves. The following are some self-improvement tips by students to remind us of ways we can not only improve our well-being, but also our daily practices.
Stay Organized: Staying organized can help things run smoothly. It can help make your day less stressful, while also helping you know where things are. Sofia Garcia (sophomore, Art) shared a tip with us on how she stays organized. “ I organize my notes by color, so every class has its own color, English is blue, History is green, Math is red, etc.” She shared that this helped her find her notes quicker, and also to study.
Manage your time: Managing your time is important. It is ideal to make time for work, rest, and yourself. This way you can have a productive day and make sure you don’t run out of time.
Make a to-do list: Making a to-do list will help you stay on task. It also helps you make sure you don’t miss anything important. “I try to be on top of my homework by reminding myself and making a checklist of what I have to have done,” says Maria Quintero (sophomore, Spanish).
Take time for yourself: This can be one of the most important tips and can be extremely hard to do, since many of us have busy schedules and (seemingly) no time to do this. Taking time for yourself will benefit you in the long-run and can prevent a stressful breakdown. Garcia shared that sometimes she feels overwhelmed and admits that taking time for herself can be hard. When she manages to take time for herself, she shared that she feels better and it helps her go about her day.
Develop your interests: By developing your interests, you are making sure to spend your free time on things you enjoy. Have fun and focus on your interests once in a while. It can be refreshing and help you take a breather from work
Socialize: Taking time for yourself is just as important as building connections. COVID has really taken personal interaction away and it can be hard to work it in to our day-to-day. But, it is important to still try and get out of your room, message a friend, or eat with your family. Victoria Cantu (sophomore, Liberal Studies), shared that she tries to surround herself with positive people.
Set goals for yourself: Definitely a golden tip. This is super important to stay motivated. By setting goals, you maintain focus and by the end you will feel so proud.
Eat Healthy: Eating healthy is a key factor to having a productive day. It definitely is hard to eat healthy. Since the pandemic started, many people don’t like going out, so ordering fast food has become a habit for some. But, making sure to eat fruit and vegetables at least once a day can be helpful. It’s also important to drink enough water throughout your day. “Eating healthy makes me feel good and when I feel good I usually have the energy to exercise,” Cantu notes.
Exercise: This is really important for your health. It can be hard to go to gyms during this pandemic, but making sure you work out either by taking a walk or just working out at home can make your day better. Cantu shared that working out always makes her feel good and more positive about her day. “When I exercise, I feel like I get the sadness and anger out, which is the best feeling. It keeps me in a good mood to do school work, work and spend time with family and friends,” she shared.
Create a monthly budget: This is important especially if you’re living by yourself. Making sure you keep a budget will help you manage your money and expenses.
Rest: Yes, Rest. Do not stay up too late. Take naps if you need to. This is important for you to function. It can be hard to take naps, but a 10 minute nap can help you get some rest and be productive.
Practice self-awareness: By practicing self-awareness you are taking care of yourself. It is important in helping us maintain our mental stability. Cantu shared that she constantly reminds herself to practice self-awareness. “I always like to keep a positive mind. I like to always start with a smile even when I’m sad.”
Practice gratitude: It can be hard to be thankful, but it is important to think about exactly what it is that we’re grateful for. During this pandemic, it can be easy to complain. Yet, at the same time, we have to acknowledge all the great things that surround us. This will help us to feel better and make sure to make the most out of our day. Instead of focusing on the negatives, focus on the positives. Be thankful and don’t let negativity take over.