Graphic by Samantha Tonarelli.
On November 2, the Academic Senate passed a vote on the University grading policy, passed an approval to elevate the Schools Administration policy, announced the Health Center will be closed, discussed National Hunger and Homeless Awareness dates, events coming to campus, and an opportunity to put your mark on a commemorative wall for the newly renovated library.
Important Announcements
“The Student Health Center building will be closed for construction November 8 through January 18, 2022,” announced Vice President of Student Affairs Christine Erickson. “Telehealth services will be available during the building closure for students needing medical care. Students can call (209) 667-3396 to make an appointment.”
Students who regularly get their prescriptions filled have all been contacted to have their prescriptions filled prior to the closure or have them relocated to another pharmacy.
Students can still seek advice by contacting a registered nurse after hours by calling the Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-258-1628, from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m., weekends and holidays at no cost. When calling, students just need to have their Stanislaus State Student ID number.
If you have a regular prescription, you need filled and have not been contacted reach out to the Student Health Center.
Grading Changes
The Academic Senate pasted a measure to fast track the University grading policy. The changes pertain to the time frame in which students can switch their grade from a letter grade to Credit/No Credit. The motion passed with 38 yes votes with zero no votes and three abstaining votes.
The proposed change will allow students to change their “grading option until 4:59 p.m. on the day before final exams, as reflected in the Academic Year Calendar.” This includes weekends, so if the day before your final is a Sunday you would still be able request the change.
Education M.A.
A proposal coming from the Chancellors Office presented by Dr. Anthony Johnson, Director of Stan State’s Administration Program to elevate the M.A. in education with a concentration in school administration degree to a full degree program (M.A. in School Administration) was voted on and passed today with 37 yes votes and a single abstaining vote. The program will be accredited by the CCTC and is meant to help students go on to be administrators in our area.
National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness
National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week is November 15 to 19.
“As part of National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week, the Warrior Food Pantry will be at the Stockton Campus with our pop-up shop and providing students with a free bag of food and hygiene kits,” announced Erickson.” Turkey Dinner kits are also available in Stockton. Stockton students can register in advance for both the pop-up pantry and the dinner kits.”
Later in December, Turkey and Tamale dinner kits will also be available for Stockton students, Erickson explained.
Additionally, three more food box distributions have been added to campus, one of which is located at University Circle from 10:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. on November 17 and December 7.
Library Commemoration
Dean of Library Services Ron Rodriguez shared ideas for a potential library commemoration.
“Turlock residents John and Jeani Ferrari approached the University this summer about leading a volunteer community-focused naming and commemorative wall campaign for the renovated Vasche Library, titled The Next Chapter.”
Rodriguez explained that the library and the Division of University Advancement have worked alongside the volunteers to develop a capital campaign designed to raise support for sustaining and technologically augmenting the library through the creation of a fund.
“There is an opportunity to name the 35 spaces identified within the library proper (partnership spaces are not included but can be named when working closely with the partner). Permanent named spaces range from $10,000 to $150,000. The commemorative wall will start with donations of $100 and up.”
If interested, the pre-launch for faculty and staff will start November 5 and conclude November 14. On November 15, the public phase of the project will begin.
Climate Discussions
Senator Bret Carrol announced that Climate Action Now!, a student organization on campus, is “partnering with the CAHSS to sponsor a Zoom presentation by Dr. Ariella Azoulya, Professor of Modern Culture & Media and Comparative Literature at Brown University.” The event does not require registration or a password to attend. It runs from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on November 12.
Stanislaus State’s Academic Senate meets bi-weekly. Stay tuned for more coverage of their sessions.