Vaccine Verification Dead Line is Rapidly Approaching!
The September 30 deadline for Stanislaus State students to certify their vaccination status is fast approaching. Students share their experience completing the certification and working with the Warrior Care Team to ensure a safe learning environment.
“I’ve already done my vaccine certification through the Stan State portal online, it was easy and not time consuming at all,” said Alyssa Abbott (junior, English).
“The self certification was super easy. It’s worth it to have that reassurance that everyone is vaccinated,” added Trent Murphy (junior, Political Science). “Hopefully no one will have to fear for their or their family’s safety while going to class now.”
“I did it months ago, I just did it on my phone,” said Andrew Conrad (junior, Computer Science major).
“I did it a long time ago so it’s not fresh in my memory, but I remember it was pretty easy. I took a photo of my card and uploaded it to my laptop, then it has you attach that as well as type in all the info, the dates and location you received the vaccine,” explained Kristin Platts (junior, Creative Media) of the Warriors Take Care team.
Verifying that you have been vaccinated is an important part of the process in returning to face-to-face instruction. Here are some tips to make the submission that much easier.
1. Don’t send your verification photo as a PDF document.
2. If you have a cell phone, take a clear photo and submit directly off your phone.
3. Take a picture and email it to yourself.
The Warriors Take Care Team has worked to help promote the health and safety practices. It is important to remember they are not authority figures.
“I definitely did have a little anxiety about being thought of as the ‘mask police,’ but we aren’t the mask police, and so far, I haven’t had a single issue with anyone refusing to wear a mask,” said Platts. “I think for the most part, people coming to campus know what they need to do and it’s just not that big of a deal.”
Murphy is also a member of the Warriors Take Care team had similar feelings.
“After a month on the job, I feel like almost everyone understands that to be able to be back on campus, there are just certain things you’re going to have to do to be back. The way the campus community has embraced the new COVID regulations so far has eased our apprehensions about people who might be angry over masks or self-screening,” Murphy said.
The Take Care teams are stationed at the entrances of various buildings across campus. They help to provide answers to questions students may have coming onto campus such as how to complete the self-screening, giving support to students, and supplying masks when necessary.
The Warriors Take Care Team is also continuing to hire. If you would like to be a member of the Warriors Take Care Team, information on how to apply can be found on their webpage.
As the Stan State community is one step closer to returning to in-person instruction and campus repopulation, remember to complete your self-certification before the September 30 deadline.