Graphic by Samantha Tonarelli.
On November 30, Stanislaus State’s student government met to discuss CSSA updates, updates on the new and improved Stanislaus State Library, opportunities to become the ASI Elections Chair, and much more.
CSSA November Plenary Meeting
ASI Governmental Relations Student Coordinator, Trent Murphy (junior, Political Science) went over the updates for California State Student Association (CSSA) during the month of November.
The Finance Committee met to discuss their loss in funding for CSSA based off of what was expected. CSSA finds themselves at a net loss of $90,000 even with a 7% decrease for opt out rates for the SIRF funding. This is as a result to the over all statewide decrease in CSU student enrollment.
CSSA released a new policy agenda for the things they wish to accomplish in the following year. CSSA’s first priority is to Ensure that students have access to baseline services and resources to enable educational accessibility and equity. Some of their other goals include:
Having access to reliable technology and broadbandAddressing student housing insecurity and homelessnessAddressing student food insecurity Providing support and services for students with dependentsEnsuring systemwide affordability for students
CSSA’s second priority is ensuring that students heath and safety are prioritized to enable belonging on campuses. Their goals include:
To provide assessment and support structures for student mental health and wellnessEnsure the physical safety of students on campusProvide assessment and support for campus health services and programsEnsuring student-centered COVID-19 and campus repopulation policies
CSSA’s third priority is to ensure the academic success and holistic educational experience of all students. Their goals include:
To increase faculty diversityProviding assessment and support of classroom technologyImprove transfer pathways for student accessibilityIncrease involvement and assessment of ethnic studies implementation Ensure access and affordability of course materials
CSSA’s fourth ad final priority is to ensure systemwide environmentally sustainable policies and practices. Their goals include:
Advocating for environmentally sustainable policies across CSU infrastructureAdvocating for environmentally conscious practices in CSU and CSSA administrative and operational processes
Library Updates
Librarian Annie Hor shared results from the 2015 Library Renovation Master Plan Study-student survey. Hor shared that the “top request from students is always to have a snack bar” and that the second highest request from students is “always more quiet study spaces, more group study rooms and more personal space.”
The newly renovated library that is now open has 21 group study rooms instead of the original 7. The library is also working on a more extensive reservation system. Hor shares how, unfortunately due to Covid-19, the snack bar cannot yet open, but they do plan on adding vending machines.
Dean Ronald Rodriquez went over the new “food friendly” zones in the library, as well as where students can find microwaves.
Special collections and university archives librarian Mary Weppler went over the guidelines for quiet & silent study zones. Weppler shared that, within these zones ,“covered drinks are okay, but no food is permitted.”
Weppler also shared that, when entering these zones, it is asked that you silent your electronic devices so that you do not distract any of the students who might already be present.
Weppler elaborated on the difference between the quiet versus silent study zones. The quiet study zone was created as an area for students individually studying and low-level whispering. The silent study zone was designed for ZERO sound (no whispering).
ASI Elections Chair Opportunity
ASI Student Government Assistant Maria Marquez announced that ASI is looking for a new Elections Chair. Some of the responsibilities that come with this position are:
– Chairing the ASI Elections committee with assistance from the ASI Board Advisors
– Updating and enforcing the ASI Election Code
– Assisting candidates with the election process
– Abiding by the Elections Timeline approved by the ASI Elections Committee
– Managing ASI Elections budget and follow all ASI & SC policies and procedures
– Posting election results after approval from ASI Elections Committee and seek final approval from ASI Board of Directors
Some of the benefits of this position are:
Plan and execute recruitment events, elections, and giveaways Manage a budgetPrepare and Chair meetingsBecome familiar with ASI & SC policy and proceduresThe qualifications required to apply are:Be a member of the ASI Board of Directors Cannot plan to run for 2022-23 ASI ElectionsCannot assist with future campaigning of future candidates during 2022-23 ASI ElectionsAbility to keep information confidentialCreative, flexible, and innovative team player
The next ASI meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 7 at 5 p.m. via Zoom.