Julie Sedlemeyer, Director of the Career and Professional Development Center and Yvonne Lee, Career Peer, in the Career Development Center. (Signal Photo/Sarah George.)
The Career and Professional Development Center at Stan State is currently open to serve all students and alumni after its renovation in the Fall of 2017.
Many students are in need of help on their path to success, whether that be with choosing a major or deciding what to do with their major.
The Career and Professional Development Center can help students with any of the steps along the way.
Some of the services they provide include career coaching, resume building, cover letter development, and helping students make decisions about grad school. In Jan. they launched HireStanState.
HireStanState is an online job and internship database where employers post their job opportunities. Students can go in and 24/7 and look at what opportunities there are in the community, currently there are over 300 jobs posted in the database.
Julie Sedlemeyer, Director of the Career and Professional Development Center, explained how the center can help students.
“If you don’t have a resume and your not submitting those to employers, your not gonna get a job, but if you come in a you make a resume and you start submitting those to employers and that’s how we can help you be more successful,” Sedelmeyer said.
Sedelmeyer explained that these services are especially important for first generation college students, which make up over 70% of the student population at Stan State.
“It takes a little longer with first generation college students to find that first career. Most students are already working, they already have a survival job and they are counting on that income. So to step away from that comfort zone and launch in to their career, it’s scary, that’s the unknown,” Sedelmeyer said.
In addition to all the services that they offer on a regular basis, the center hosts a variety of events.
On Thursday, April 12th there will be a job fair at the stockton campus from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The center also wants to host another JCPenny Suit Up Shopping Event, where students can buy discounted career attire. This was a unique opportunity for the students who participated.
“It was a lot of fun! This was the first time we had done it and it was the first time the store had done it too. We are definitely planning on offering it again in the fall,” Sedelmeyer said.
If you don’t have time to attend one of their events or make an appointment you can stop by the the Center and pick up a guide to help start the process of building a cover letter or resume
Yvonne Lee (Career Peer), likes seeing students come in a get help.
“I love interacting with students and letting students know that there’s help here for them and helping them discover their potential and discover a future career,” Lee said
Jose Andrade (Career Peer), also likes to make sure students are getting help for their future.
“I like knowing that students leave here with their questions answered,” Andrade said.
For more information on how to make an appointment with someone at the center visit their website, or stop by MSR 230 for a drop-in appointment Tuesday and Wednesday 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.