Turlock Mayor Gary Soiseth speaks to about 30 students at the "One on One with the Mayor" event hosted by ASI.
Turlock Mayor Gary Soiseth visited, for a “One on One with the Mayor” event, hosted by Associated Students Inc. (ASI).
This event gave students an opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns about the city of Turlock and also get to know the mayor.
Harbir Atwal, ASI Student Government Coordinator, is excited to hear the questions that students will bring up and excited for students to get to know the Mayor.
“Students don’t always know who is representing them, students need to know where to go if they have any concerns and the Mayor is a good person to relate one on one to,” Atwal said.
Approximately 30 students were in attendance and they brought up lots of questions regarding the search for a new city manager, new businesses in Turlock including the bowling alley, and housing for students most of which Soiseth had thorough answers to.
Soiseth explained the process of new city manager recruitment, why it is taking so long to find someone, and the costs associated with the process.
“This person is making multi-million dollar decisions and if we can’t find the right fit it is worth going back out and casting a wider net.” Soiseth said
When asked about the settlement recently paid to Gary Hampton, former city manager, Soiseth explained it was a settlement that was mutually agreed to by both parties and wished him all the best.
Soiseth and the City Council are hoping to have the city manager position filled by early May.
“Right now we have a nationwide search and we will be looking from coast to coast. We will begin interviewing by April 30th and hopefully have someone by the first or second week of May,” Soiseth said.
The new bowling alley that is coming to Turlock was one of the things that Soiseth was most excited to talk about.
The bowling alley will be opening its doors this Fall. Soiseth was asked to bowl the first ball.
Soiseth also talked about plans to promote businesses in downtown Turlock to Stan State students.
“We are going to get Stan State students to paint murals downtown and throughout the community and they are gonna be spreading a lot of stan state love throughout the community.” Soiseth said.
Kylie Carpenter (junior, Psychology), talked about what she was most excited for after hearing the Soiseth’s plans for the city.
“I’m looking forward to what he was saying about a bigger, well-known, greater ,Turlock,” said Carpenter “Also about the new housing developments, just because I know as a student it’s really hard to find housing and places to live outside of student housing itself.”
Soiseth explained some of the things that he can do as mayor to make sure students have safe affordable housing off campus.
“I can do fee deferrals to get more housing developed. Once a landowner develops housing, and gets people in there, then we start collecting fees.” Soiseth said.
This would result in lower rent for both students and others living the community.