Senator Kevin De Leon answers questions from the audience. (Signal Photo/Noor Miqbel)
Kevin De Leon (D-Los Angeles), President Pro Tempore of the California Senator and U.S Senate candidate, came to Stan State to speak to the community as well as encourage students to participate in the Nov. 2018 elections and vote.
Stan State’s Democratic Party Club hosted the event as part of their Statewide Candidate Series. President Jason Serang (senior, Political Science) and Vice President Adam Webber (senior, Political Science) started the club a year ago to bring diverse political thought to Stan State.
Webber discussed how he hopes to promote diversity. He invites all people to the event even those with different political views.
“As long as people are respectful we never censor questions. We encourage people to come and listen. I believe political discourse to good to at least understand the opposite view,” Webber said.
Approximately 45 people from the community, as well as students, were in attendance at the event.
De Leon gave a speech about basic human rights, all differences aside people still deserve equality.
“We all deserve clean water and clean air, no matter what views you may have, we all deserve those things,” De Leon said.
De Leon talked about issues like gun control, the environment, civil rights, funding for education, and the importance of sanctuary laws and why it is important for California to be a sanctuary state.
“The whole point of sanctuary state was never to shield criminals. When federal I.C.E. agents and the Department of Justice and Attorney general are commandeering local police departments to be an extension of Trump’s deportation machine that’s where we draw the line,” De Leon said.
“We say that the state won’t lift a single finger or spend a single dime to separate mothers from children and children from their fathers, that’s simply not who we are as the state of California,” De Leon added.
Yajaira Salinas (freshman, Biology) wanted issues about civil rights and gender equality to be discussed by De Leon.
“I care about gender inequality and LGBTQ+ rights. Those issues are really important to me,” Salinas said.
Elton Rushing (junior, Political Science/Nursing) said, “I would like to know where he stands on students debt issues.”
Rushing also wanted De Leon to talk about “marginalized issues that don’t typically get as much media attention.”
Audrey Koreski (sophomore, Biology) talked about why she attended the event.
“I want to be informed about the person I am voting for. I don’t want to vote for whoever just because they sound good on paper,” Koreski said.
De Leon is currently running for U.S Senate in the Nov. 6 elections. He is running against the current U.S. Senator, Dianne Feinstein who has been in her position since 1994.
The Democratic Party Club plan on bringing more speakers and opportunities for political networking at Stan State.