Megan Broudy,(left, freshman, English) and Kiara Ragsdale-Smith (right, freshman, Psychology).
Signal • May 4, 2018 • https://csusignal.com/9808/campus-culture/registration-revelations-and-frustrations/
Megan Broudy,(left, freshman, English) and Kiara Ragsdale-Smith (right, freshman, Psychology).
Megan Broudy,(left, freshman, English) and Kiara Ragsdale-Smith (right, freshman, Psychology).
Broudy said that not getting into the classes she needs could affect her “ability to graduate on time later.”
When asked about how Ragsdale-Smith would feel if she didn’t get into the classes she needed, she said that she would be “kind of mad.”
“Because, I’m trying to get all of my GE’s [General Education course] done,” Ragsdale-Smith said.
Paige Bushman (right, junior, Business Administration) and Ruth Saldivar (left, senior, Liberal Studies).
Bushman said that not getting into her classes for her means, “I have to pay more tuition, and I’m on a time crunch, and I have to pay thousands of more dollars to take those classes.”
Ruth Saldivar is graduating this semester, but recalled what it was like to register for classes in the past.
“You have to wait a whole semester or year, and I’ve been here an extra year just trying to catch up,” Saldivar said.
Student Athletes at Stan State don’t get priority registration like athletes at all the other CSU’s.
Kendall Herod (right, sophomore, Biology) is a student athelete and explained how not getting into the right classes would affect her life.
“I have to rearrange my whole life around my class schedule. My schedule is built around a lot of important things in my life,” Herod said.
A’kia Walker (left, senior, Biology) has already registered for her classes, and explained what registering for classes was like.
“As usual, I didn’t get what I wanted. If I don’t get what I need in my second pass I’m going to have to rearrange everything. It’s tough picking classes without priority registration because we have to pick classes around practice,” Walker said.
Marianna Flores (sophomore, Liberal Studies)
Flores is less stressed about registration season, and wouldn’t be bothered by not getting into the classes she wanted.
“I’m not in any rush, so it probably wouldn’t bother me. I can always take the classes over winter or summer,” Flores said.