(Photo by: Marina Sanchez, Hemp wrap alternative being rolled)
According to the CDC, tobacco users die on average 10 years earlier than non-smokers. Some may not realize their tobacco consumption because they might not smoke cigarettes but instead something else. Blunts and cigars have become increasingly popular among marijuana users as a way to consume their medicinal or recreational marijuana. Although users empty out (gut) cigarillos and blunts from the tobacco inside, the wrap is still considered tobacco and still has serious health risks. Tobacco consumption increases your chance of developing cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We surveyed 50 students at Stan State & only 40% were marijuana users but from those students, 60% of them said they do consume some form of tobacco wrap.
Of those warriors surveyed at Stan State, 78% said that they were around tobacco usage in social settings. According to the US General Surgeon, second-hand smoke is just as harmful, and no amount of exposure is considered to be a “safe level.” We spoke with a Junior, Psych Major who gave us more insight into her tobacco use in social settings. She and the following interviews are kept anonymous for their safety. “I only do it casually with my family and friends. Ya know, whenever a blunt is going around I won’t deny it in the rotation, but I also don’t personally go out of my way to get it. I prefer to use a pipe, I’m a glass person.”
Regardless of the negative health effects that tobacco may cause, blunts are still a preference for many marijuana smokers and a common favorite in social settings. One reason for the popularity of blunts may be the variety of choice & convenience. Blunts, Cigarillos and wraps come in various flavors, sizes and types that could be found at almost every gas station or store.
One senior said, “I like blunts for the taste, and the smell but most of all for the ritual. There’s nothing better than going to open a pack of swishers, splitting one open and rolling it to some good tunes. My girlfriend and I usually fight over which flavor she has her favorites and I have mine. And they [blunts] also burn slower so it’s nice when there’s a group.”
So how do we combat something that attracts students so much but is detrimental to their health? One solution is alternatives. In more recent years CBD wraps and hemp wraps have grown with popularity, as well as organic paper alternatives. Non-tobacco paper and wrap alternatives still allow the user to customize their experience with flavors & sizes but does not compromise their experience of “rolling up”. Another alternative is a classic among marijuana users is the use of glass pipes & water pipes. This type of glassware is a way for users to consume their medicinal or recreational marijuana without consuming anything else.
We also spoke to an Educator from the health center on what any type of resources are available to any tobacco user and they encourage any student to schedule an appointment and meet with a provider to discuss smoking cessation programs. Students can also receive a QUIT kit during the appointment or as a walk-in. The QUIT kit is a gift for all students wanting to stop their tobacco consumption.
The QUIT kit includes:
Information from the California Smokers’ HelplineInformation from the California Department of Public HealthGum, toothpicks, honey stick, sugar-free mint to curb the cravingRubber bands and stress toys to keep your hands and mind occupiedThe Smoker’s Helpline Gold Card and pamphlet as a reference and support resourceMoney Bag to collect the money you would have spent on tobacco productsAnd A Stan State Tobacco-Free Campus water bottle.
We encourage any warrior that wants to limit or stop their tobacco consumption to take advantage of any and all school resources available to them on campus.