Stockton students gather together in the quad. (Signal Photo/ Briannah Owen)
At the Stan State campus in Turlock, Wednesdays are reserved for wearing red, from donning apparel to placing sticker decals on vehicles, to show Warrior pride. However, Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) took the weekly Warrior Pride event to Stan State’s Stockton Campus to raise school spirit this last Tuesday.
The activities for the day were held at Acacia Court in the front of the Stockton Campus.
ASI provided several different booths with free activities like giant Jenga and caricature drawings for students. They also provided free Stan State decals and license plate frames and installed them for students.
Alec Austin (sophomore, Political Science), ASI’s Director at Large, said an event like this was important to have at Stockton. The fun activities were designed for “getting their spirits up,” Austin said.
Students mingled around the quad area enjoying nachos and each other’s company.
Kevin Medrano (senior, Social Science) expressed his interest in having more events like this on his campus. “I would personally love to have more at the Stockton Campus,” he said.
He added that the caricature drawing was his favorite activity at the event. “It’s just so fun and a little bit goofy . . . and it just takes small things like that to make a person’s day,” he said.
Mary Jane Dela Cruz (senior, Social Science) said that she wished there were more events like this at the Stockton Center.
She added that her favorite thing about the event was the interactions. “Usually we don’t get that much interaction with people because we are always just here, go to class and go home,” Dela Cruz said.
In addition, ASI went beyond the fun activities and encouraged Stockton students to write down what they would like to see on campus from fun activities to program availabilities. They introduced a new position for a Stockton student to represent them at ASI. They hope to find a candidate from the Stockton Center to find out what needs to be done there.
Maria Marquez (senior, Communication Studies), ASI President, said that this event was important because “We need a student at Stockton Center to voice those concerns.” She added that this helped them spread the word about their recruitment for the Stockton representative.
“Seeing the students happy about the free license plates, Warrior decals, or having the opportunity to mingle with Alec, who is our Board Director at Large and Andrea, who is a Housing Director” was a memorable aspect of the event, Marquez said.
Students gathered around the booth with Marquez where they would write down what they would like to see changed or added on to their campus and shared their stories with her.
The event drew many Stockton students in to participate. Many Stockton students hope to see more events like this on campus more frequently.
Marquez added that they hope to bring more events in the future at the Stockton campus.