Students talk about networking at Peer to Peer event (Courtesy of Victor Jimenez)
The uncertainty of finding a job after graduation can be put to rest: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment rate for college graduates was only 2.1 percent in 2018. Here are a few things you can do to not be in the 2.1 percent:
To start ensuring your success a great place to start is with networking. The website Career Fair noted that students who participate in career fairs have a greater chance at obtaining a job that they are interested in because they are networking with potential employers. About 80% of all job offers come through networking. Attending career fairs is the best way to network with people in your desired industry.
Graduate Ellie Cruz agreed that the job market is tighter after graduation. “It is hard to find the job you are looking for right after graduation, but putting yourself out there for companies that you want to work with will help you hopefully land the job you want, that is what helped me,” she said.
Current Stan State Student Alicia Torres said, “I love to volunteer in organizations that will help me succeed later down the road, the experience that I have now is setting me up to hopefully make me stand out in the crowd. Talking to employers now and getting advice from the people you want to work with will help enhance your success.”
In a Warrior Wisdom panel held by the Alumni Association on Sept. 18, employers said they were most likely to hire someone that had volunteered or had internship experience with them prior to the hire interview.
Today, finding the job you want is a lot tougher than a few years ago, Ellie Cruz said that it took her about a year and a half to land the job that she wanted. She applied to about 120 jobs before she landed a job in her field.
Julie Sedlemeyer, The Director of Career & Professional Development Center at Stan State said, “the Academic Success Center has programs in place to help you be successful such as one on one appointments, walk ins Monday-Thursday, Peer Mentor, EOP, Promos Scholars, Map Studio, StanStateHire, [and] employment connection.”
Dean of Students Matthew Lopez-Philips also had some advice. “One of the things that I encourage students to do to help ensure their success, is to think about internships, assistantships, or volunteering to get your foot in the door. Those are the kind of things that employers look for and will give you a leg up in being able to be the successful candidate in the job. Being able to have something more than just your paperwork or just your degree, I think really sets you apart,” said Lopez-Philips.
Sedelmeyer said that a lot of students don’t really pay attention to these opportunities, she mentioned, “in 2017 Stan State reopened the Career Center to help students ensure success, this is a resource that has been brought back for student use, a quick trip to the center can help you land a job, internship, or volunteer work that will help you ensure your success.”
To use some of these resources talked about or get more information on what to do to ensure your success you can visit the Career Center in MSR 230.