With the cost of everything going up and tuition set to go up next year the last thing that students would want to hear is something else going up in cost. But with ASI asking for an increase to the fee students give them each semester, those costs very well could go up for students at CSU Stanislaus.
The Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) has proposed a fee increase adjustment of $15 a semester for each student. Students will be able to vote on this proposed fee increase on Wednesday April 10th and Thursday April 11th.
Election locations and times are featured on their website.
“With this fee increase, it aligns with the mission of Associated Students: Our mission is to foster student success, student engagement, enhance student life and just overall sense of campus pride here at Stanislaus. Any way that we can add services that would help students grow professionally, emotionally, and educationally,” says ASI President Adrian Sanchez (Senior, Biology).
According to ASI, this Fee Referendum will bring about more student-centered services, events, programs, and more.
A few of the proposed services being a large event which would take place during Homecoming Week, legal aid services, more funding for athletic events and student organization events, and more. You can find out more at the ASI website.
ASI Vice President Arianna Carlos (Senior, Biology) says, “We hear from the students and a big part that’s missing is campus life and campus pride so that’s why it’s a main focus.”
If the majority of students vote yes on the upcoming poll, ASI promises to focus on students’ needs as well as their wants to improve their college experience here at CSU Stanislaus.
Students seem to be having a positive reaction to the fee increase.
“I like the student athlete part of it because I’m really involved with sports and so I think everything they said about that is kind of what drew me into saying yes,” says Madison Sines (Forensic Science, Junior).
By providing these new services and funding more of the current ones, ASI hopes for students to get more involved in what Stan State’s campus has to offer.
“I think it would have a lot of benefits for students. It’s such a small fee, it’s $15, it’s not like it’s $150 so it’s not something that would greatly affect tuition cost. The fee seems appropriate,” says Daniella Rosco (Freshman, Biology).
Events, the services ASI provides, scholarships, and more are on the line. If the vote doesn’t pass, those things could either be reduced or eliminated completely.
The reason for having to possibly cut these things is due to funding. With student enrollment expected to drop next semester, ASI is looking at a budget shortfall next year with less money coming in from the fees they already collect.
ASI would have to make a choice in what they eliminate without diminishing the way they help students.
The Warrior Day Festival and a number of scholarships seem to be the first to go if the vote doesn’t pass since those are what require the most funding.
There is an aspect of the fee increase that ASI is not talking to students about.
“Cost of living is going up, inflation is going up, so to adjust to that there is a percentage added on to the fee each year. We have the $15 adjustment, however, the cost of living will also be added on to the fee adjustment,” says ASI Vice President of Finance Miranda Gonzalez (Junior, Business).
$15 is the amount that ASI is asking for students to say yes to in the vote. Although they are also seeking a cost of living adjustment (COLA) to be added to that $15 form the university.
This would add a slight increase that will be added onto the proposed amount. In 2024, this means according to the student affairs webpage on the fee increase, the fee will go up by $25 not $15.
A lot of other fees include the cost of living in it already such as student recreation, athletics, union fee, and more. Almost every fee that is considering a Category 2 fee gets hit with COLA.
This brings the ASI fee increase in-line with a lot of the other fees students pay, but this also means it will continue to go up each year without students having to vote for it.
With enrollment on the decline, there would be less income for their current services. By having the vote now, ASI is seeking a bigger majority of student input then when enrollment is down. Meaning there would be less students to give their opinion in the referendum.
Click here for more information on why ASI wants students to vote Yes on 15.
If you would like to vote on this, you can either vote online or in person on campus.
To vote on campus, go to the Library Event Hall Room 102 with your Warrior ID. Polls are open at 8:00am and closes at 6:00pm. For Stockton’s campus, the in-person polls are located in the Warrior Activity Center Room 1110. Polls are open from 2:00pm to 6:00pm.
To vote online, check your Stan State email for the BigPulse link and your ballot should be emailed to your Stan State account. Polls open on the 10th at 8:00am and close on the 11th at 6:00pm.
For more information on ASI’s Fee Referendum or if you have questions, you can personally email the members of the board or contact them via Instagram. On the voting days, April 10th and 11th, ASI will be on the quad at 10:00am to 3:00pm both days. Students can stop by to ask any questions when they are out in the quad.