Tax policies and rules have changed a lot throughout the past year, at both a state and federal level. Many students have taxes to file so finding out what is needed to be done during this stressful time of year can help ease the process.
Taxes are due by Monday, April 15, so time is running out to file them.
On Thursday, March 20, 2019, Stan State presented a workshop on taxes. This is a part of the financial wellness workshop series. The workshop was open to students, faculty, and public.
The workshop was hosted by Mike Kelly, a CPA (certified public accountant) for Grimbleby Coleman and has been doing this for 7 years.
He covered the basics of filing for taxes that students need to know about, with information ranging from work study programs to scholarships.
He covered the American Opportunity Credit in depth, a credit that applies to enrolled students.
In addition, he covered the basics of the Lifetime Learning Credit and who qualifies for it. Students pursuing their undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees should be aware of this credit.
After his presentations, he opened the floor up for questions and then proceeded to work one on one with the attendees.
Lara Al-Jaser, (freshman, Business) found this workshop helpful and said, “Talking to an actual person helped clarify it more.”
Students, faculty, and guests who were not able to attend the workshop can still find free, accessible information on taxes from Kelly.
He has a personal YouTube channel, where he has a variety of different videos on taxes, personal finances, and investments. He said he is open to answering any tax and other finance related questions that come his way.
Landy Gonzalez-Hernandez, Stan State Financial Advisor / Financial Wellness Coordinator, said that this is the first tax workshop and they are “testing it out.”
She said, “We hope that students find these resources that we’re bringing useful.”
Students are welcome to contact the Financial Aid & Scholarship department regarding financial questions and information here.
This was just one of the many financial wellness workshops that the Financial Aid & Scholarship Program held this semester. The next event is the Finance and Resources Fair on Wednesday, April 3rd, from 11 AM to 2 PM.