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The Student News Site of California State University, Stanislaus


The Student News Site of California State University, Stanislaus


The Student News Site of California State University, Stanislaus


To the comfort of Turlock

By Brandon McGuiness May 14, 2014

Here I sit, with the same level of uncertainty and nervousness as I had four years ago on the first day of college. It’s remarkable how the feelings can rush memories back to the forefront of your...

To all that I know

By Clay Hobbs May 14, 2014

Ah, crap. . . Is school done already? It seems like it was just yesterday when I was on the phone with my stepmother telling her that school was almost over. When she told me with a chuckle that it was...

Things you learned in college that will continue to apply

By Melisa Koessel May 13, 2014

How is a relationship like a college course? The two are more alike than you might think, which is a good thing because any piece of knowledge that can’t be used to vanquish multiple problems probably...

To a needy lover and a great dance partner

By Kailey Fisicaro May 13, 2014

Making eye contact with me as I headed out of the last day of our Intro to Comm Class, the professor, Joe Carranza, motioned to me. “Do you like to write?” he mouthed, gesturing with his hand...

To not saying goodbye

By Cameron Moscozo May 13, 2014

I’m personally not a fan of goodbyes. The whole drawn out, tear-jerking adieu that plagues movies is nothing that I am interested in. Instead I wish to focus on some of the positive memories that...

Deaf social: Learning about a culture, not a handicap

By Melissa De Leon April 29, 2014

Anyone can tell you time and time again not to be nervous, we are all people, it’ll be fine. But this will never stop you from having butterflies in your stomach the first time you try to communicate...

Using math, magic and science fiction to ease sex anxiety

By Melisa Koessel April 16, 2014

Dear Distress Signal, My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year. I know it’s dumb, but we still haven’t had sex. I’m just really scared of getting pregnant. How can I be as...

Hobby Lobby needs a Plan B

By Melisa Koessel April 12, 2014

Hobby Lobby, keep your religious convictions in your pants. And by “your pants,” I mean out of MY pants. The debate on Hobby Lobby’s refusal to provide certain birth control methods to...

Hobby Lobby court case creates topic of discussion among students

By Melissa De Leon April 12, 2014

What began as an argument that many people believed would quickly be put to rest has just been heard by the Supreme Court, forcing open a very large can of worms: Should corporations have the same rights...

Time to discuss a consent primer

By Melisa Koessel April 10, 2014

I spend a lot of time in this column discussing squirm-in-your-seat-uncomfortable topics. As much as it might seem like I’m trying to make things awkward — I’m not. What I am trying to...

Sexual violence is everyone’s problem

By Melisa Koessel April 6, 2014

Dear Distress Signal, A very close friend of mine was recently raped. She is very scared and traumatized. How can I support her and help her continue on at school? I am worried she is going to drop out...

Website is #winning

By Miranda Hamm April 5, 2014

Well, if you’ve logged into your myCSUSTAN account lately, you’ve probably noticed there’s been a big change – for the better, that is. About two weeks ago, the Office of Communications...

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