Last week, Stan State students began their Fall 2024 semester. A new semester can bring different feelings for different students. Some are excited for the upcoming semester, while others are nervous, but everyone had something they were looking forward to this Fall.

Dylan Chauhan (Kinesiology, Freshmen) said he was looking forward to “getting that first year experience.” He describes looking forward to exploring what clubs are on campus and seeing what kind of experiences Stan State has to offer.
One student described looking forward to simply being on campus. Sarjana Charan (Senior, Criminal Justice) started at Stan State back during COVID-19, when campus was closed almost all classes were held online. She described it was nice to be on campus and was looking forward to finishing up her second to last semester.
A common thing students mentioned was looking forward to meeting new people. Jasmine Hernandez Delgads (3rd Year, Exercise Science) described looking forward to meeting new professors and friends.

Vanessa Morales (3rd year, Criminal Justice) also describes looking forward to the new girls joining her and Jasmine’s sorority Lambda Sigma Gamma.
Whatever students were looking forward to this semester at Stan State, all of them were excited for another year.
Dr. Stevens • Aug 31, 2024 at 10:00 am
Go Stan State students!!!