The online national news source,, or “The Patch,” is asking for contribution from the Turlock community. is an online platform that allows for a citizen perspective on the news in cities across the United States, with emphasis on stories that may get overlooked by more widespread news sources.
“It’s a vehicle for citizen journalists to share their perspectives locally,” said Calvin Carr, California State University, Stanislaus journalism professor. “Turlock, Denair and all the local small communities now have a place to contribute and consume local news.”
Writers submit stories and photography from their locations, each story coming from a specific community or “patch.”
The idea of the site, alive since January of this year, is to increase opinion sharing and engagement within specific areas. Though readers can access stories outside their patch, the system works to communicate neighbors with each other.
“As regional and national newspapers struggle, localized news outlets have an opportunity to be successful,” Carr said. “Regional and national newspapers thrive on conflict, community news, local news; they thrive on consensus.”’s goal is to improve the lives of residents through the spreading of knowledge, events and ideas. However in order for an area to appear as a Patch, writers must first submit a petition to the company.
“From the whole valley, I’m not seeing much of an online, localized presence,” Carr said. “The closest patch is Livermore, which is pretty remarkable.”
While a patch for the Central Valley is not yet alive, there are steps interested writers can take to create one.
“Anybody can contribute,” Carr said. “If we get enough students here on campus to do it [petition], we might be able to get one.”
While the site is made up of stories created by both educated and untrained writers, The Patch maintains formality through its team of professional editors and media experts.
With, students can gain experience with an online news source as well as writing exposure. Writers and readers are also able to share stories on Facebook and Twitter.
If you would like to take part in the petition for a Turlock “patch” site, visit and enter Turlock’s zip code along with some basic personal information.
“This could bring the community closer to the university and the university closer to the community,” Carr said.
Professor Encourages Turlock “Patch”
By Natalie Hutchison
September 23, 2014

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