Stanislaus State will be opening summer enrollment on March 7 with three different sessions for students to take into consideration.
The three summer sessions offered include ten, six, and four-week sessions. The deadline for enrolling in summer courses is generally June 5, however there is an exception known as the late add period. For the ten and six-week sessions, students have from June 6 to 10 to add last-minute courses. For the four-week session, students have from July 18 to 20.
Equal Opportunity Program (EOP) advisor, Gabriela Morder, gave her thoughts on how many units are suggested for the summer semester.
“I have seen students take nine units over summer, but as an advisor I would recommend six units,” said Morder.
If this is a student’s first time enrolling for summer courses, it is the same procedure as fall and spring semester. To find the courses that are offered, access the Stan State Class Schedule and there will be different semesters to choose from – be sure to choose 2022 Summer. Next, find the course numbers regarding the courses you want to take. Finally, access your myStanState Portal and enroll.
Academic Success Center (ASC) advisor, Jesus Jimenez, shared how students can be successful when taking summer courses.
“So definitely understanding that when it’s compressed, that means that for each class, you’re maybe doing twice as much work that you would expect to be doing in a regular semester,” Jimenez said. “Sometimes that’s okay, because maybe you’re only taking one class in the summer, so if you’re doing twice as much in that one class, that’s still maybe the equivalent of taking two classes in the regular semester.”
Jimenez went on to share the different enrollment workshops the ASC offers for students.
“When registration opens, for fall and spring, we always have registration workshops, we usually will mention summer, but we don’t ever really have a specific summer registration workshop,” he said.
Jimenez strongly recommends meeting with an academic advisor to sort the registration process and class selection out.
Morder added reasons why she recommends taking summer courses.
“I recommend students take courses in the summer if they are not able to take 15 units in the fall or spring,” she said. “Taking summer courses can also help you progress much quicker. For example, if you have a major that has a lot of pre requisites summer will help you complete them sooner.”
She added that summer is also a great time to take any general education courses that you have not taken yet.
Many students who will be taking summer courses this upcoming semester shared their reasoning.
Zoe Zuidema (junior, Liberal Studies) said she took summer courses at Modesto Junior College, but this will be her first semester taking summer courses at Stan State.
“I’m taking summer classes so that I can get ahead on my units to graduate,” she said. “It also helps me take a slightly lighter load during the fall/spring semesters.”
Emily Ascencio-Flores (sophomore, Pre-Nursing and Spanish) discussed some of the courses she has taken during past summer enrollments and what she’s planning for this upcoming semester.
“I plan on taking microbiology for nurses this summer, and no, it’s not my first time, I took my first summer course the summer going into my freshman year at Stan State and it was statistics,” Flores said.
Campus Community Prepares for Summer Enrollment at Stan State
Alexia Garcia
February 25, 2022
The Mary Stuart Rodgers Educational Services Gateway building at Stanislaus State. (Signal Photo/Alexia Garcia)
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