With this presidential election there is a high level of tension that has been present among the American people. This race is definitely historic with the potential of electing the first female president in the history of the United States, Hillary Clinton. All of this occurring not even a century after the ratification of the 19th amendment which gave women a voice to vote on Aug. 18, 1920.
Women are definitely utilizing this right which had to be fought for simply for not being born males.
According to the
Center for American Women Politics (CAWP), women have always been involved when it comes to voting. Their voter turnout has been higher than the male turnout since 2000 for the 18-44 age range. It is crucial that this election should exemplify a higher number of female voters in comparison to the past years.
The reason being that there is a man in the presidential race wanting to become president who doesn’t value women for their potential, brains or accomplishments, but rather for their physical appearance which he can rate on a scale of 1-10. It is sickening to think that a man with such a disgusting view of women is on a presidential candidate ballot after women worked, and continue to work so hard, to be seen as equal to men.
You are probably wondering: Why are you urging females to vote if they are already voting, even more than men are? This is just one example as to why. 
Women have the right to join the military and expect to not be assaulted. They have the right to walk out of their homes and not have to turn around to make sure they are not being followed. They have the right to walk down the street and not be honked at or get cat called.
Trump’s “Grab ‘em by the pussy” video is another disrespect to women. What is sad about this is the fact that there are those who are excusing his statement as simple “locker room talk.” If this is what is being said in locker rooms across the United States there is clearly something we are not teaching children who grow up to say such horrid things about women.
It is a shame that out of that whole video the comment was focused on and everything else was left out. Although that sentence fragment is a strong one, the whole clip is explosive. There were so many other rude and vulgar comments that were cut out from that clip.
“…Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s changed her whole look…Ooh, nice legs huh?” These are another few comments that Trump explicitly said during the leaked tape.
If a man who has no morals or respect for women gets elected to represent this nation, what will that say about us as a country? What will that say about all of the women who have a potential to make a difference, not only in their country, but also for their fellow females. It is saddening to think that there are females who are going to vote for him because they share similar values.
It is up to the rest of the women out there to vote for the president of the United States while also voting for the advancement and respect of women.