Disney’s latest animated feature extends the story of sisters Elsa and Anna as they must discover a mysterious voice outside their kingdom. Starring actresses Idina Menzel and Kristen Bell as the voices of Elsa and Anna.
The musical is scored by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, who also wrote the award-winning song ‘Remember Me’ from Pixar’s animated feature Coco.
This sensational film, sure to be enjoyed by those who loved the first film in the franchise, is playing in the Turlock Regal theater from now until December 12th.
One of the best aspects about this movie is the character development of Elsa and Anna. Elsa’s dialogue with Anna brings on-screen chemistry, which showcased moments of sisterhood throughout the film.
Another aspect that did quite well was the comic relief from Olaf. Josh Gad’s acting performance stole the show through his sheer comedic prowess in one scene in the film.
The new ballads in the musical score sounded amazing, which helped develop the dialogue of the main characters throughout the movie.
Sometimes, the ballads helped create a strong emotional theme throughout the film.
‘Into the Unknown’ created Elsa’s compelling emotions of risking her life by entering uncharted territory. The lyrics are just as catchy as ‘Let It Go’ and this song can definitely give you an ear worm for weeks.
‘Show Yourself’ slowly built up the thematic climax which Menzel’s duet with Evan Rachel Wood, who voiced Queen Iduna, created an emotional yet exciting, climactic song.
‘Some Things Never Change’ is quite catchy as the lyrics brought a tone of the main characters’ enthusiasm and joy throughout the opening number.
‘When I’m Older’ displayed Olaf’s personality, and the lyrics were relatable to transitioning into adulthood. The song sounded really nice, which helped displayed Olaf’s on-screen comedic dialogue.
‘Lost Into The Woods’, sung by actor Jonathan Groff (the voice of Kristoff), sounded mediocre because of the tone of Groff’s voice, which seemed auto-tuned in the song. The lyrics in the song are cheesy because it was trying to make fun of the love ballads from the 80s or 90s.
The animation sequence is one of the best moments in the movie, especially when Elsa’s magical powers appeared to look like stars shining in the night sky, and the forest and ocean looked very realistic.
The weakest aspects of the film is the pacing of the story. In the movie, the story quickly went from Elsa and Anna’s childhood scene to Queen Elsa hearing the siren from a castle balcony.
Another aspect that is disappointing are the jokes felt very flat. Kristoff’s comedic relief of proposing to Anna took too much on-screen dialogue throughout the film. Sometimes, Olaf’s comedic jokes felt flat and sounded corny.
The character arc of supporting characters don’t get enough on-screen dialogue throughout the film.
Frozen II is a fun holiday film worth your time and money. Take a break from your studies to enjoy these sisters of Arendelle heading ‘Into the Unknown’.